Saturday, February 28, 2009

lenten revelations

We are now officially into the Lenten season and it is now the time for fasting, alms giving and prayer. This year I decided to give up cursing and caffeine. While I thought that the caffeine would be the difficult part, it is something that you are consciously aware of breaking before you do it. Cursing, on the other hand, is something that just kind of comes out.
When I was in high school I never used to curse, but since I came to school here I cannot help myself! I don’t know if it is because others around me are doing it too so I just picked it up a lot like slang, or what happened. I have talked to a lot of people about my choice to give up cursing for lent and they agree with me that they never used to use these words until they came here too.
Are we as SMU students worse about cussing than other schools? Or is it just college students as a whole that use horrible language? I know that I need to fix my language because by the time that I get to hire and into the corporate world, language like that is not allowed. So maybe I can use this opportunity to clean up my act before it really matters. Then again, I still have three and a half years to fall back into my old habits.

1 comment:

  1. I understand completely about lent! I have given something up for lent since I was a little girl; my family and I do it together each year. This year I have decided to give up candy. Now in my understanding of lent, one is supposed to give up something that is very challenging as a thank you for Christ dying for our sins. Candy is so hard! I didnt think how hard it would be until I gave it up. I have unfortunenitly have broken it once already without even realizing it, but after that I have been good so far! So I completely understand how hard it is to give something out because you are stopping something one does in there every day life. Now for the cursing. I agree that it is hard cause I also hear it everywhere I go and that is way you curse. My mom used to say that what ever goes in your ear comes out of your mouth! So dont worry giving it up for lent will help!
